Thursday, February 24, 2011

Team Rocket Power Impaled object

1. Place gauze on both sides of object
2. Start wrapping apply pressure as you wrap
3. Countiune X formation as wrap
4.End by tying or tucking gauze into the side of bandage 

Rock Climbing Hard Splint Scenario: Fantastic Four

A victim fell off a cliff while rock climbing and has broken their lower arm (antibrachial). The paramedics are unable to reach your position.
What do you do?
>Find Sticks
>Place Sticks on sides of broken arm
>Wrap shirt, jacket, and/or sock around sticks
>Use shoe Strings to secure combined items
>Help victim to open area
>Wait for paramedics

Your victim was picked up by paramedics.

Red Cross Responders: Scenario to Prepare for Skills Check

Skill: Impaled Object

Care or Call First Situation: This is a care first situation. If the wound is severe enough call 911 or take victim to ER.

Actual Scenario: Lisa is taking a a test her sharp pencil rolls off the desk. As Lisa reaches down to grab it the pencil bounces upward off of the chair and the momentum from her hand going down cause the pencil to impale her left palm.

How many victims, conscious or unconscious, sign of life, do the rescue breaths go in?

There is one conscious victim, there are signs of life. The victim needs the pencil and bleeding to be stabilized.

Immediate Four - Scenario

Skill: Rigid splint

Care first situation

Scenario: You are walking through enchanted rock.You stumble upon a person who has fallen and is complaining of severe leg pain. There are no lacerations.There is also no cell phone reception.


Skill - Impaled object
Care or Call first situation - Care first situation

A student trips over a chair in class and lands on a pencil which impales his/her arm.  The responder grabs the first aid kit and places a role of gauze on both sides of the impaled pencil so it won't move while wrapping the object.  Secure the gauze and object with a bandage and seeks further medical attention. 

Impaled Object - Team Wolfpack

Skill: Impaled Object

- Care first before you call, if needed call 911

Scenario: Victim was working on a jobsite and happened to step on a long nail. Nail remained stuck through the victim's foot.

Care: Provide a impaled object splint to the vitim's injury. Place 2 rolls of gause on the topside of the foot, then use one more gauze roll to wrap the injury and keep it secure. You do not want to remove the object cause it could possibly make the injury worse. Rush the victim to urgent care to have the object removed.

Monday, February 21, 2011


 1st step: find who is injured.........found him!!!!
 2nd step: prepare supplies
 3rd step: carefully put arm on splint
 4th step: have injured person hold a roll of gauze to keep wrist elevated
 5th step: tie gauze/bandage at the wrist 1st
 6th step: tie gauze/bandage just under elbow line
7th step: Congratulations you have just seen the proper way to execute a splint

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Splint Fantastic Four

 Step two: add Gauze to help protect wrist from further injury
 Step three: add injured arm
 Step four: tie gauze above injury
 Step 5: tie off below injury

Sling Wrap

Soft Spllint - The Wolfpack

1. Tie a knot in the short end of the gauze to create a spot for the elbow.
 2. Verify victim is wounded.
 3. Successfully place the gauze splint under the victim's arm without moving the limb to not further injuries.
 4. Tie a knot behind the neck to secure the splint can hold the limb. Now the victim can relax the weight of the arm on the splint and get to help.

Rigid Leg Splint - Immediate Four

 Slide bandages under ankle, trying not to move the leg

 Spread bandages out, 2 above the injury and 2 below

 Place splints on both sides of leg, padded side in

Tie bandages tightly

 Tie bandages above and below injury to secure splints without applying pressure to injured area

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Diabetic Emergency: Red Cross Responders

Correct Procedure:
Checked on victim asked if she was okay.
Claimed to have called emt.
Gave victim drink.
Tried to comfort victim.

Incorrect Procedure:
Claimed to give sugar to diabetic victim (didn't see anything added).
Gave victim drink but we don't know if the victim was suffering from
hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia. If the victim smells fruit like do not give
sugar to the victim could cause death!
Did not try to stabilize temperature.



opening the door with the side of the body that he had a stroke on
Correctly used the F.A.S.T technique
Did not give care once the person fainted

They performed Check Call Care. 
 They made sure to take proper precautions
They knew when to call 9-11

Wrong- no padding under head.


Compare: Overall it wasn't as serious as a real situation would've been, the random A$$ shots were unnecessary  but overall was good
Contrast:We really liked the check call care break down. 

NLC - Seizure Fantastic Four

-Check: friend asked if the victim was all right, caught her and laid her down, asked bystanders for anyone CPR certified
-Call: Called 911 and informed them that the victim never had a seizure before
-Care: Cleared the area; didn't restrain victim, once conscious had victim remain seated.

-Probably should have checked for a temperature, perhaps check blood pressure, move her to a shaded area and given her some water after the seizure.

Immediate Four - Poisoning

Correct: They checked the scene acurrately and were able to explain to 911 what had happened. They called 911 per Poison Control instructions.

Wrong: They did not give the victim an accurate amount of space or check his consciousness. They also did not check/control his body temperature.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Red Cross Responders: Unconscious Choking

1st step: Head tilt, chin lift.

2rd Step: 2 rescue breaths.

3rd step: Chin lift/Head lift

4th step: 2 rescue breaths

5th step: If rescue breaths don't go in do: 30 compressions.

6th step: Look for object, do finger sweep from cheek to cheek.
Check for signs of life

If item comes out turn on side and wait for ems.

CPR: Fantastic Four

After checking the scene and calling 9-1-1 check the victim for breathing.
 Give 2 rescue breaths and check air way: close nose and chin lift.
 Give 30 compressions
 Check victim, 2 breaths if no response
 30 compressions, if victim non responsive repeat steps previous steps and continue till victim responds, ems show up, or scene becomes unsafe.

Immediate Four - AED

 Turn on the AED

 Wipe down or shave chest

 Place pads, upper right and lower left

 Allow the machine to analyze, make sure the area is clear

 Have everyone stand back 

Press the shock button

Unconscious Choking- Team Wolfpack

Victim Choking..

Responder introducing herself to comfort the victim

Responder performing "Back Blows"

Responder positioning hands correctly for Abdominal Thrusts

Responder performing Abdominal Thrust to victim to dislodge the object stuck in the vitcim's throat

Externel Bleeding-TEAM ROCKET POWER

What to do if you are externally bleeding?

step 1: place gauze over the injury

step 2: place additional gauze on the injury and then begin to wrap it with a elastic wrap

step 3: wrap the bandage around the injury until it is almost complete

step 4: tie off the bandage