Thursday, September 30, 2010

Arrhythmias- Team TCTD

Arrhythmia is the change  in electrical impulses in the heart which causes abnormal heart rhythms.
Types of abnormal heart rhthyms:
  • bradycardia- heart beats too slow
  • tachycardia- heart beats too fast
  • fibrillation- quivering
  • premature contraction- early beat
  • "fluttering" in the chest
  • palpitation
  • skipped heart beat
  • fatigue
  • dizziness
  • fainting shortness of breath
  • cardiac arrest
  • scarring or abnormal tissue in heart
  • incompletely developed conduction system
  • alchol, cigarettes, and recreational drugs
  • cardiac medications
  • physical activity and stress can worsen
  • take medications for it
  • monitor pulse
  • avoid addictive substances

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